Botulinum toxin is still recognized by the world as an ideal and effective product for solving dynamic wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles are wrinkles that appear when there are expressions, such as crow's feet, Sichuan lines, smile lines, etc. These expression lines rely on nerve conduction to affect muscle tissue. The resulting wrinkles, so the function of botulinum toxin to paralyze the muscles and nerves can be regarded as very powerful.
We all know that long-term smokers are prone to wrinkles, which are especially detrimental to women's appearance. The ingredients in tobacco and the act of smoking can accelerate the formation of facial wrinkles. People who start smoking at age 15 may develop wrinkles by age 25. Because people usually pout and squint when they smoke, the lips and eye area are more prone to premature wrinkling over time.
In addition to such ugly wrinkles in smokers, those with congenital hyperactivity of the orbicularis oris muscle also commonly have unsightly wrinkles around the mouth, especially when pouting. The appearance of perioral wrinkles makes the face appear aging, and botulinum toxin can be injected into the orbicularis oris muscle to relieve lip wrinkles.
Two injection methods for different situations are described below.
Mild-moderate perioral injection technique
- Upper lip perioral injection
Inject at the white lip 5 mm above the junction of the red and white lip (red line). The injection point is located outside the lip peak and the philtrum should be avoided to prevent the lip peak from being flat. The injection must be superficial, intradermal or subcutaneous, and applied to the muscle by diffusion. The upper lip was injected at two points on each side, the two points were separated by 1cm, and the injection dose was 1U per point.
- Lower lip perioral injection
The lip lines of the lower lip are generally lighter than those of the upper lip, and are concentrated near the midline, so the injection point is located 2-5 mm below the midline of the red and white lip junction (red line) and 1 cm on both sides of the point. A total of three injection points, each point injection dose of 1U.
Severe Perioral Wrinkle Injection Technique
Severe perioral wrinkles need to be injected in the lateral and full range of the orbicularis oris muscle (except the corner of the mouth), and the dose should be increased at the same time.
The above is all the content of this sharing, If you want to know more about botulinum toxin, don't forget to subscribe to my channel. If you have any doubts, you can leave a message to us.
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