There is a lot of misinformation out there about PDO threads. Some people have heard of the old “thread lifts” . This procedure was fraught with complications, had to be anchored to the skin. Other people are not quite sure what PDO threads are and figure that they must be a very serious and invasive procedure due to their nickname, “thread lift”.
The truth is, PDO threads area great way to tighten sagging skin, reduce wrinkling, and create new collagen. They are classified as “Collagen Stimulators”. Hipretty Thread are hypodermic needles or blunt cannulas preloaded with an absorbable suture that is inserted into the skin. The sutures are made of PDO (or polydiaxanone) and are one of the safest materials that can be used in the body (the same material that is used in cardiac surgeries). So the problems and complications that were due to the old sutures non-absorbable nature are no longer an issue.
After Hipretty Thread are inserted, your skin gently reacts to the sutures creating a “selective inflammatory response” to produce collagen and strengthen the skin. Your skin will fully absorb the threads within 4 to 6 months of being inserted and the new collagen that was created will be left in its place. Skin is left tightened with less wrinkling and improved elasticity. The best thing about Hipretty Thread is they can be completely customized to a patient’s needs and can be used almost anywhere on the body.
So remember, Botulinum Toxin and dermal fillers are great but we also need to address the big “C”. Don’t let the old stories of “thread lifting” turn you off. Hipretty Thread (PDO threads) are a great way of helping our skin produce the collagen that they need to remain youthful, beautiful, and vibrant.